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en:awards:liderviii [2019/02/08 16:35]
en:awards:liderviii [2019/02/08 16:36] (current)
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-====== LIDER VIII programme award for MSc Eng Krzysztof Wegner ======+====== LIDER VIII programme award for Krzysztof Wegner ======
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-Mgr inż. Krzysztof Wegner **is a prize winner of „LEADER” program** organized by Polish National Center for Research and Development+Krzysztof Wegner **is a prize winner of „LEADER” program** organized by Polish National Center for Research and Development
 At the end of year 2017 the list of prize winners in prestigious LEADER program, organized by Polish National Center for Research and Development was announced. The program is dedicated to support young scientists in their innovative and commercially promising research works. **Mgr inż. Krzysztof Wegner** together with his fellow researchers from the Chair of Multimedia Telecommunications and Microelectronics:​ dr inż. Olgierd Stankiewicz,​ mgr inż. Jakub Stankowski, mgr inż. Jakub Siast, **were awarded the second place**. At the end of year 2017 the list of prize winners in prestigious LEADER program, organized by Polish National Center for Research and Development was announced. The program is dedicated to support young scientists in their innovative and commercially promising research works. **Mgr inż. Krzysztof Wegner** together with his fellow researchers from the Chair of Multimedia Telecommunications and Microelectronics:​ dr inż. Olgierd Stankiewicz,​ mgr inż. Jakub Stankowski, mgr inż. Jakub Siast, **were awarded the second place**.
 The contest jury of LEADER has highly evaluated the professional qualifications of the team and prospective research on a novel system for capturing and processing of spatial video. The project called “MUCHA” aims at developing a **modern light field camera**, made of modules, that potentially can be manufactured and introduced into the market. The contest jury of LEADER has highly evaluated the professional qualifications of the team and prospective research on a novel system for capturing and processing of spatial video. The project called “MUCHA” aims at developing a **modern light field camera**, made of modules, that potentially can be manufactured and introduced into the market.
  • en/awards/liderviii.1549661752.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2019/02/08 16:35
  • by owieczka